Prints: Repeat The Beat (Assignments #15-17)


Explore how artists create designs that can be printed many times to make multiple copies of the same artwork in Repeat The Beat View this PowerPoint presentation first. There are prints from across the world so you will see an overview of the great diversity of prints created across time.

After your research, you will experiment with cardboard, string and glue to make a printing block, then create a print expressing rhythm using the subject: Repeat The Beat.

Here are links to web resource for more research and inspiration about prints.

  1. What is a Print? The Museum of Modern Art has put together this great web gallery to show you how to make woodcut prints, etchings, lithographs, and screen prints. There are fascinating illustrations and examples for each type of print.

  2. The Louvre, France The "Prints and Drawings" web gallery has very interesting images of drawings by the masters. The gallery covers many centuries of art and is sub-divided by country and century. You can enlarge each artwork to see many details.

  3. Monoprints This site has basic information about different printmaking techniques. For some images used as illustrations, you can click and see more artwork by that artist.

  4. Washington Printmakers A group of artists have put together this web site to explain printing techniques and showcase their artworks. Click on any of the images to go to the artist's personal web gallery.

  5. The Woodblock Encyclopedia There's lots of information here on woodblock printing, especially Japanese prints. Explore the different sections and the many examples posted.


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