In class we're going to do a little exercise.
You'll need to learn some direction words for it.
The Japanese won't be asking you for directions, but you may have to ask them.
Today's vocabulary these will be useful when you’re asking for directions and LISTENING to the reply.
That's why the exercise will focus on LISTENING to the new vocabulary.
You'll see what we mean …
But first, do you recognize any of these characters?
UCHI and SOTO are the first two on the left. Inside and Outside.
UCHI can also mean "our" as in "UCHI NO MUSUME", our daughter.
SOTO is also read GAI. It's the GAI in GAIJIN". And you already know the other character.
Think: Ouside PERSON. GAI [fill in the blank]
The third character is UE (also read KAMI), meaning over, above or in the case of kami, Shinto god.
Finally, SHITA (SHIMO/KUDARU), meaning under or below.
CHIKATETSU (iron below) means subway.