This is not your gourmet sushi, but it’s good.
And often better than most of the sushi we get here in the States.
And it's cheap and fast.

There's one just across the way from the vending machine restaurant, in fact.

The color of the plate tells you the cost of the dish.
Grab what you want as it goes by, munch 'till repletion, stacking up the plates as you go.
If you don't see what you want, yell "SUMIMASEN" and then tell them what you'd like to eat. They'll make it for you.

There'll be mugs, tea and a hot water spigot near your place along with an endless supply of pickled ginger ("gari" in sushi-bar-speak)
Hint: try the soup. It's delicious and a great bargain.

When you're done, flag one of the waitresses or waiters (not the guys in the middle making the sushi) or just yell "OWAISO" (sushi-bar-speak for "bill, please").
They'll count the plates and drinks and tell you how much you owe.