Now … what Japanese will you actually LEARN?
Ah. That's up to you.
The Japanese language portion of this course is all about PARTICIPATION, not at ALL about perfection.
I don't care how badly you mangle butcher and abuse the Japanese you learn here, so long as you PRACTICE it.
Here in class. With one another outside of class. With your goldfish at home. Kingyo that is.
Fluency? in a few lessons? Nah, not a chance.
And not expected.
But we expect you to TRY. And to learn at least some basic vocabulary.
And to use it once we get to Japan.
I can promise you that by the end of the trip, you'll wish you'd learned more Japanese in class.
Nearly everybody on the two previous Japan trips has.
Don't believe me … ask our veterans.
Later, I'll list a bunch of resources that'll help you learn more than we have time for here.