Los Angeles County Museum of Art


Los Angeles County Museum of Art This home page will help you navigate around the extensive web site of this California museum.

  1. African Art has over 100 images. You can browse by type of artwork (beadwork or metal work) or by subject (figures, masks, ritual art, royal arts and utilitarian objects).

  2. Japanese Art contains an extensive collection of artworks. You can browse by artist, type of artwork, subject and there are two large sections on woodblock prints.

  3. Chinese Art contains an extensive collection of artworks. You can browse by type of artowrk or subject.

  4. Korean Art contains an extensive collection of artworks. You can browse by type of artowrk or subject.

  5. Islamic Art has an excellent selection of works from Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Central Asia, Afghanistan and Syria. There are also works created when Spain and Egypt were under Islamic control. You can browse by place or by type of artwork.

  6. South and Southeast Asian Art you can browse hundreds of artworks by type of art, artist or place. There is also an entire section on Tales of Krishna, one of the major Hindu gods.

  7. Art of the Ancient Americas includes great artworks from Mexico and South Ameria. You can brows by place, type of artwork and culture. There's a special web exhibit - complete with a movie - on "Lords of Creation: The Origins of Sacred Mayan Kingship" which is quite interesting.


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